How to Build Trust and Confidence in Your Audience
How Do We Create Trust?
We build trust with our words. As we tell our stories, most of our readers or listeners follow us from a neutral place into the realm of belief, accepting our words at face value. Even when reading the most technical, dry, factual document, most of the audience will nod along until the end. Then they must decide whether they agree with the author.
How Do We Lose Trust?
We can also diminish trust with our words. The human mind is always on some level a pattern-detecting, skeptical machine, cataloguing words, tones of voice, facial expressions, posture, and other small impressions and comparing them against its vast, poorly-lit archives to make a final ruling. Is the speaker trustworthy? Does this person know what he or she is talking about? Madam Foreperson of the subconscious mental jury will not be required to share the reasoning behind the verdict.
What Can You Do to Build Your Readers’ Trust?
Answer: Edit your text! Quality editing is worth every penny in achieving your goal of creating trust. It is also easier and less painful than you might think to obtain, and to learn on your own. That is why this website exists–not only to offer editing services, but to share resources so that no one has to feel intimidated by “grammar Nazis” or overwhelmed by hundreds of squiggly red underlines. These are your words; you own them. We are here to help you perfect them.
We Will Help You Build Trust with Your Readers
With a few spelling and grammar errors, an unchecked fact or two, or some unclear arguments, a reader’s confidence will be lost. And in this era of endless media to consume, a good reader once lost is often lost forever, not unlike Mr. Darcy’s good opinion. Conversely, if a reader sails through a text without being distracted by errors or inconsistencies, that reader can focus on the merits of what has been read, rather than the form. In effect, their trust will be built.
Get in touch with us if you’d like to learn more, or feel free to keep reading our other work, check out testimonials from happy clients, and look at the tools we find useful.